Autocad 20XX – basic surface training
The complete surface training, you should do the exercises in the following order. If there is a video in my YouTube channel – there is also a link to this particular video. Right now I have not done all exercises in my YouTube channel yet. Also I still have to redo some of the „old“ ones because of lacking HD or/and audiocommentary.
- uebung_2
- drehschalter HD / w Audio
- trennwand HD / w Audio
- schale
- nippel
- deckel_1
- turbinenschaufel HD / w Audio
- turbine HD / w Audio
- ablagefach
- hitzeschutzblech HD / w Audio
- reduzierung
- brennraum_1
- brennraum_2
- flasche
- patch
- prisma
- bodenblech
- spurstange
- reserveradmulde
- radioblende
- stossfaenger
- abgaskruemmer
- plastikflasche
- blechteil